About Us
We provide service dogs to handler recipient by clinical referral.
Canines for Heroes is a nonprofit agency. Our mission is to provide highly skilled service dogs free of charge to Military Veterans and First Responders suffering with from post-traumatic stress by empowering them to return to life with confidence and independence through their partnership with their assistance dog.
Only through personal relationships can a sense of individual responsibility be reestablished that will give these individuals suffering from PTSD the commitment to follow through on their career path as an active citizen with a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Our latest IRS 990 tax forms are publicly available, as required by law.
What Drives Us
Our Story and Vision
Canines for Heroes was created post-911 in direct response to the growing number of Veteran’s and Public Safety Personnel that are falling through the cracks in our community. The goal of the program is to identify those who have a high risk of turbulent transition to civilian life and offer them a positive support system to avoid the pitfalls with this journey. While the needs of each participant differ slightly, the goal remains the same: empower First Responders and Veterans with PTSD to make positive changes in their lives. Through our experience, we have found these highly trained service dogs to be 100% effective.
We are excited to announce that Canines for Heroes received a grant from Walmart Giving Facility’s #2559,#1874,#7221,#7298,#2944 #721! #BetterTogether, #WalmartGiving, #Walmart
We collaborate with Home Depot and their expert volunteers for our local fence building projects.
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Who We Are
Leadership and Staff
Sandra LaFlamme, President. Head injury survivor, Speaker, Author, Business Owner and Dog Trainer.
Mark LaFlamme, VP of NPTSD, served as Flight Commander, Executive Officer, Chief of Scheduling, and Bomber One during Operations Desert Storm, Enduring, and Iraqi Freedom. He completed Squadron Officers School in residence and Air Command and Staff College. He has over 6,000 flight hours and 800 combat hours. His decorations include the Distinguished Flying Cross, 4 Air medal, and the Meritorious Service Medal. In 2005, after five deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq and 22 years of total service both active and reserve, Mark retired from the US Air Force at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
In his spare time, Mark is an avid flyer. He is one of the founding directors and Vice President of The National PTSD Service Association, the outreach born from losing several of his comrades to PTSD. With 22 suicides a day to PTSD, Mark is very concerned for those who serve us. He considers his highly skilled/trained Belgian Malinois the very antidote to his mild PTSD. Aviator’s understand all too clearly that prescription drugs will ground you from piloting and the best remedies are those that will allow you to stay on top of your game.