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Training a Service Dog: Specific is Terrific

Training a Service Dog: Specific is Terrific

Not every dog has the temperament or aptitude needed to work as a service dog. Every service dog must receive extensive training to ensure that they have the cognitive ability and temperament to take on the task of being their owner’s helper. Additionally, they need to receive proper training to meet their owner’s specific lifestyle and recovery goals. Failure to do this can result in a dog that is not fit for purpose, doesn’t provide the intended assistance, and hinders the owner’s recovery process.

Kelso Has The Keys

Kelso Has The Keys

We focus on building a bond of trust and mutual respect between the dogs and their recipients. We believe that when the dog is engaged, it continues to bond, grow and actually becomes more capable. This leads to a better quality of life for the recipeint. The more engaged the dog, the more its abilities shine through. This is achieved by practicing advanced actions, which include verbal and nonverbal commands, sound cues, and complex tasks that involve decision-making skills.

My Service Dog from Canines For Heroes: A Bright Future Ahead

My Service Dog from Canines For Heroes: A Bright Future Ahead

They say that the first step towards overcoming an addiction is accepting that you have a problem. And that’s exactly what I did 8 months ago. Admitting that I needed help and couldn’t do it alone took a lot of courage, but it was the smartest decision I’ve ever made. After seeking help from a reliable program, I found myself on a path towards sobriety and a bright future overcoming my PTSD. And to top it all off, I have my service dog from Canines For Heroes by my side, who has become an essential part of my recovery journey. I want to share the story of how my service dog has helped me not only stay on the right track but also provided me with a sense of purpose and hope.

Vinca – The Essential Worker Who Changed My Life

Vinca – The Essential Worker Who Changed My Life

Vinca – The Essential Worker Who Changed My Life Everyone has someone who comes into their life and changes everything. Sometimes we don’t even know we need that person until they’re there. For me, that person is an animal named Vinca, my service dog from Canines For Heroes. She’s more than just a companion, she’s an essential worker who helps me in so many ways. I’ll share just a few of the ways Vinca has changed my life for the better.

When I first got Vinca, I didn’t really understand just how much she would help me. I knew that service dogs could be trained to do things like retrieve items or open doors, but I didn’t realize all the other ways Vinca would make my day-to-day life easier. For example, she helps keep me calm in situations where I might feel anxious or overwhelmed. Simply having her by my side is often enough to quell my anxiety. My military flash backs are now to a minimum and I feel more free to be me.

Changing Lives: How Canines for Heroes Helps Veterans and First Responders with PTSD

Changing Lives: How Canines for Heroes Helps Veterans and First Responders with PTSD

War and natural disasters leave emotional and psychological scars on the people who put their lives on the line. Veterans and first responders often deal with the aftermath of trauma, with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) being one of the most common issues. In some cases, PTSD leaves sufferers feeling helpless and hopeless. For a long time, prescription medicine and therapy were the only treatments available, but Canines for Heroes is changing things. The non-profit organization helps these heroes get back their independence by supplying them with highly trained service dogs. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Canines for Heroes and how we are making a difference.