Everyday at Canines For Hereos, not just Memorial Day is a time to honor and remember those who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country. For Mark LaFlamme, Lt. Col US Airforce Retired, he remembers the fellow officers he lost to the effects of war,...
As pet owners, we want what’s best for our beloved dogs. That includes providing them with the best possible care when they are sick or in pain. However, finding holistic care for your furry friends isn’t always easy. Many traditional veterinary practices...
When it comes to helping those who have sacrificed so much for our safety and freedom, Canines For Heroes is making a significant impact. From assisting firefighters like James Bon Ami & Ember, who have suffered paralyzing back injuries to providing companionship...
Have you ever wondered why it is so crucial to understand how to give commands to your dog? The truth is, within a split second, your furry friend can either comprehend what you’re asking for or be left in confusion. By unlocking the secret powers of observation...
Having a dog is one of the greatest joys in life. Not only do they provide unconditional love and companionship, but they also encourage us to get out and be active. If you’re looking for ways to enhance your bond with your furry friend, here are five things you...
As dog owners, we often underestimate the impact of actively engaging with our furry friends. But the truth is, positive interactions with our canines can lead to a plethora of benefits for both them and us. By playing games that exercise our memory, attention, and...