Remembering Our Fallen Heroes: The White Table and Canines For Heroes

by | Jun 8, 2024 | Belgium Malimois, Dogs, First Responders, German Shepherd Dog, Service Animals | 0 comments

Everyday at Canines For Hereos, not just Memorial Day is a time to honor and remember those who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country. For Mark LaFlamme, Lt. Col US Airforce Retired, he remembers the fellow officers he lost to the effects of war, particularly suicide. The White Table has become a symbol of remembrance for these fallen heroes, and through his organization Canines For Heroes, he is working towards suicide prevention among veterans.

The White Table is a tradition that dates back to the Vietnam War, where it was used to honor POW/MIA soldiers. Today, it is set up at Memorial Day events to remember all military personnel who have been lost to war or its effects. Each item on the table holds symbolic meaning – from the white tablecloth representing purity of intention to the lemon slice for the bitter fate of those missing in action.  Watch:

For Mark LaFlamme, the White Table serves as a poignant reminder of the friends and colleagues he has lost to suicide. As a combat veteran himself, he understands the struggles that many service members face upon returning home from war. Through Canines For Heroes, he aims to provide support and resources for veterans who may be struggling with mental health issues.

Canines For Heroes is a non-profit organization that pairs special dogs with veterans in need of PTSD support dogs. These canines not only provide companionship and comfort but also serve as a lifeline for veterans dealing with PTSD or thoughts of suicide. By promoting positive mental health practices and offering local assistance when needed, Canines For Heroes hopes to reduce the number of veteran suicides each year.

In addition to providing PTSD Dogs, Canines For Heroes also offers We have point-to-point training where top-notch, award-winning dog trainers, like Julie Madison, teach our handlers and dogs that the world is a safe place. Through that process, the dogs provide the same for their new partners: Public Safety Personnel and Veterans with PTSD.

Through Train-the-Handler Training, the service dog that has been paired with our recipient is given weekly opportunities to step out and be part of the larger collaboration of Profession Award Winning Trainers and Competition Handlers.
Quality and the success of the service dog handling team is our utmost priority.

Not just on Memorial Day, let us take a moment to remember all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. The White Table stands as a powerful symbol of remembrance for these fallen heroes, including those lost to suicide after returning from war. Through organizations like Canines For Heroes, we can continue to support our veterans in their time of need and work towards preventing further tragedies within our military and first responder community. Let us honor their memory by taking care of those who have served bravely – because every life lost is one too many.